When I started Painted By Pippa in 2017 I was 25, newly engaged, and living in a one bedroom apartment in New York City. My blog was a few posts about recent work, my tips for wedding stationery (i'd done ONE wedding), and really just a bunch of fluff because to be honest, I don't think I had all that much to say. I was 25! Running this little startup of a business! Living off of my then Fiance/now husband's income while I strived to make a little dream come true.
Fast forward 7 years and life has changed quite a bit. I'm 32, the mother of 2 children, and the founder of a 6 figure stationery business who put the entire thing on hold to raise some babies. It also turns out that now I have a whole lot to say and I don't have all that many people to say it to ( i do spend my days with two toddlers after all). So here we are - ready to put my feelings out onto the internet in the hopes that maybe we'll connect on something and who knows maybe you'll like me enough to buy a piece of art ( a girl can dream!).
Here's to making my little corner of the internet a place to share the big struggles, little wins, and overall chaos that is juggling to make the best life for your children while also trying to keep that little dream from 7 years ago alive. Stay tuned and thanks for reading!